Multi-day, large scale outdoor events, such as festivals, need a reliable water source, but many take place in locations without an adequate mains supply. From drinking to showering, clean and safe water is vital for any festival and the welfare of those attending.
Wincanton has a longstanding relationship with Festival Republic, the UK’s leading festival and event promoter, which includes supporting its Latitude Festival.
Water, water everywhere
In the run-up to the 2018 event, Wincanton and Festival Republic held a series of meetings to establish water requirements and formulate a viable solution for the event. This level of extensive pre-planning is vital and takes into consideration variables, such as weather conditions.
Increased heat, increased demand
A week prior to the event, Festival Republic highlighted a need for increased volume due to forecasted weather conditions and some unexpected site issues. Temperatures were predicted to reach around 30ºC, meaning that visitors would need clean, safe drinking and washing water in greater quantities.
The situation was further complicated by changed legislation around the size of the pipes used for loading and discharging.
A speedy solution
To meet the requirements in the short timeframe, Wincanton created a bespoke solution involving night deliveries. This was the first time this had been carried out at the festival.
Allowing 24/7 delivery to the storage tanks mitigated risks associated with peaks and troughs in demand, as well as limiting the impact from the increase in loading and unloading times.
The additional night deliveries generated a water load increase of 12% year-on-year without any compromise around unloading times or availability.
water load increase year-on-year
litres of water supplied